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     Hello, this is the website of Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai Headquarters.

     Our dojo is located in Tsurumi, Yokohama city, Japan. We have over 65 years’ history in this town and it is one of the oldest karate clubs in Yokohama.

     We would like to introduce our activity in this website as one of the dojo in Itosu-kai organization. I hope this website will get more attention from people who love martial arts.


     If you are interested in our organization's nationwide and international activity, please visit the following website.

Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai (Japanese)

Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation

Karatedo Itosu-kai Headquarters
Yokohama city

Yokohama city

Itosu-kai Headquarters (Sohonbu)

     "Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai" was originally established in Kawanishi city, Hygo prefecture, Japan in 1940, but for the promotion of our style, the headquarters (Sohonbu) moved to Tsurumi, Yokohama in 1955. It is recognized as one of the oldest karate clubs in Yokohama city. We have students from children to adult and we accept from a beginner till advanced students.

     We mainly practice a traditional karate, but we also practice sports aspect of karate as one of the participants` groups of Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF / WKF). We produced a numerous champions in Itosu-kai National Championships, Itosu-ryu World Championships and Kanagawa prefecture championships… etc. 

Karatedo Itosu-kai Headquarters

Itosu-kai Sohonbu dojo

What is Itosu-ryu Karate?

     Itosu-ryu karatedo stems from the lineage of Shuri-te master Sokon Matsumura (1798-1890). It was founded by Anko Itosu (1830-1915), who is popularly regarded as one of the fathers of karatedo.

     Anko Itosu created many kata, including the five Pinan kata, which are the most widely practiced kata in the world today. In some schools they are known as Heian kata.

​     Of all his students, his senior student, Kenwa Mabuni (1889-1952), learned Anko Itosu's kata most accurately and succeeded him as the 2nd Soke of Itosu-ha. Kenwa Mabuni also studied under Kanryo Higaonna of Naha-te. Taking the first characters of his two teachers' names and founded Shito-ryu ("Ito" also read "Shi" and "Higa" also read "To").

     Kenwa Mabuni passed on the Itosu-ha lineage to his senior student Ryusho Sakagami (1915-1993). It was Kenwa Mabuni's wish to pass down the name and the legacy of his teacher Master Anko Itosu to the next generation. Thus Ryusho Sakagami became the 3rd Soke of Itosu-ha on January 2nd, 1952.

     In April 1969, Ryusho Sakagami officially renamed his style of karate Itosu-ryu to distinguish it from "Shito-ryu," and called his organization Japan Katatedo Itosu-kai.

     Sadaaki Sakagami, the first son of Ryusho Sakagami, succeeded him to the position of the 4th Itosu-ryu Soke and has cherished the traditional kata that have been preserved over three generations, and is eager to spread it.

     Karatedo is said to start and end with kata, and in Itosu-ryu we mainly focus on the traditional kata and study techniques and applications to use in practical situations.

Soke Sadaaki Sakagami


Sadaaki Sakagami


・Itosu-ryu 4th Generation Soke

・Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai President

・Ex-Japan Karatedo Rengo-kai President

・Ex-chairman of JKF Technical Committee


Other Titles:

・Japan Karatedo Federation Hanshi 9th dan

・Japan Karatedo Rengo-kai 10th dan

・All Japan Kendo Federation Kendo Kyoshi 7th dan

・All Japan Kendo Federation Jodo Kyoshi 6th dan

・All Japan Kendo Federation Iai-do Kyoshi 5th dan

・Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo-ryu Shuseki Shihan

Soke Sadaaki Sakagami

Ayumu Oda


・Itosu-ryu Karatedo Renshi 6th dan, Shihan

・Ryukyu Kobudo 7th dan

・Ex-Member of Kanagawa pref Karate Team 

Tournament Records:

・Itosu-kai Japan National Championships (Kata: Gold)

・Itosu-ryu Karatedo World Championships (Kata: Gold)

・Kanagawa Pref Karatedo Championships (Team Kata: Gold) 

・USA Open Karate Championships (Kata: Gold)

・Japan Karatedo Union East Japan Championships (Kata: Gold)

Graduated from

Chapman University Master of Fine Arts Film Production (USA)​

Itosu-kai Instructor



Wednesday and Friday

Children Class: 6:00 – 7:30

  • We accept from 6 years old.


Adult Class: 7:30 – 9:00

  • We accept from middle school students

Ryukyu Kobudo:


Ryukyu Kobudo is Okinawan Weapon and it is two side of the same coin for karate. We practice, Nunchaku, Sai, Tonfa, Bo, Kama…etc

Sunday 2:00pm – 4:30pm

Itosu-kai Karate

Membership Fee

Monthly Fee

・Children Class: 6500 yen

・Adult Class: 7500 yen

  (You will have "Family Discount" for Children, if you come with brothers or sisters.)


Admission Fee

・Children: 6000 yen

・Adult: 8000yen

Discount for children (if they join two people together) : 7000


Other Fee

・Karate Uniform: About 10000


 (You will need them for a tournament)

・Kyu / Dan degree Fee

​・Sports Insurance

・Tournament Fee

Itosu-ryu Karate


Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai
Headquarters (Sohonbu)​



1-16-5 Honcho-dori,

Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi,

Kanagawa 230-0048, JAPAN

Telephone number :+81-45-521-6318

Fax number :+81-45-503-2040

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